I accidentally discovered Ringana, while I was looking for the right way to combine my life as a young mum and my job. I started to share the values of the brand and then I became passionate about network marketing. In this company I took the chance to realize my professional path and I found out really healthy, effective and eco-friendly products. An approach reflecting my philosophy of life.
For this reason I use them to take care of my family and I propose them to my loved ones.
At the beginning I knew nothing about this business, I decided to train, to listen to the advice coming from people who already did it, to read books, to listen to podcasts and to learn everything it was necessary to deepen the knowledge of this job and to find out all the secrets to become successful. So I started a charming experience, full of rhythm, meetings and journeys, ups and downs also, but above all I went step by step every day. It was a path of personal growth during which I became more aware, more skilled, I gained female empowerment, I learned to explore new possibilities and new life styles.
In less than seven years I crowned my greatest professional ambitions by getting the highest position of Ringana network. In August 2020 I reached the famous target 10 and I was invited to join the restricted team who is involved in the development of company strategies. I have been a member of the Inner Circle group since November 2021.
What I have understood during these years is that I have found a little secret of happiness for women like me, who want a family without giving up on anything, who want mental and physical wellness in their daily life. Those women who are looking for economical independence and believe in the importance of pursuing their values and ideals, who want to live connected to other people. I grow my business with this attitude not only by suggesting some products, but involving other women to join my team.
My business improved as well as the quality of my life.
I took my dreams out of the drawer and I made them come true one by one: the “Lotus Childbirth” of my third son Milo at home,travels, also spiritual ones, around the world.
I joyfully supported the building of a maternity home and I raised funds for associations that help women and children.
We all agree that economic success is important, but what really pushes me everyday to make the best is being aware of the contribution I can give to the world.
It is really great the chance to connect people, to help them to find out their complete, great potential, to live joy and gratefulness every day, to feel themselves with love, genuineness and wholeness. And for every I reached and established, the force of my team was essential. Team eFloraVita, made up of thousands of people living in a dozen European countries. We grow together everyday and we share our eco project with new people.