Mum of Margot, Clarissa and Milo. I was born in France and I have been living in Verona since 2004. I looked for and I built with determination a professional path which allows me to combine my life as a mum with a successful career.

In less than 7 years I was able to crown my greatest professional ambitions by getting the target 10 in Ringana Network. I’m the successful leader of my team, consisting of thousands of people all over Europe. We grow together every day and we face new challenges.
Learn about how to join the eFloravita team.
If you want an activity which allows you to combine work and family without giving up anything and you are looking for the chance to be successful and financially independent, fill the form and contact me.
Storie di successo
Ogni giorno condivido il mio lavoro con tante donne che, come me, hanno realizzato il loro percorso di crescita personale e professionale, raggiungendo importanti obiettivi.